Sunday, March 27, 2011


Think of an "R" rated "ET" and you've got Paul.  The humor was pretty good in parts, sort of stupid in others, but overall I liked it.  There was some very inventive curses, lots of action and the villains were easy to hate.  There's even a little twist at the end.  I think this is a good one, but maybe not a "must see" for everyone.  I give it 2 1/2 stars.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This is a must see.  I’d give it 3 stars. I liked the story line, I thought it was something new.  I wonder what people think of the camera action.  In a few scenes I thought it was very effective, but I think some might be turned off by it.  But it worked for me.   I like Bradley Cooper, but he’s no Timothy Olyphant! 

Cedar Rapids

Ed Helms and John C. Reilly are very funny.  Ed Helms plays a very naïve insurance salesman, who goes to the company’s annual convention in the big city of Cedar Rapids.  His reaction to the “glamour” of the big city is funny, and the relationship that springs up from four very different personalities coming together for a week is very entertaining.  There were a few slow parts, but I’d still say it’s a must see.  I really liked it, I'd give it 2 1/2 stars.

Mars Needs Moms

This is a cute movie, but not a “must see”.  I didn't see it in 3D, but I can’t think it would add much to the experience.  I'd give it 1 1/2 stars.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

I loved this one!  I found it interesting through out.  It was romantic and suspenseful.  Well done.  I liked the casting too.  Based on the previews, I thought it was set in an earlier time, but no, it's modern day.  It's those hats.  I'd like to get me one!  It's amazing to me how someone can think up a plot like this, and I'm sure there are layers and layers of symbolism in this movie that I didn't get.  You must see this one; I give it 3 stars.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hall Pass

The portrayal of middle age men and how they take aging (not gracefully) was pretty funny.  I could have done without the Jason Sudeikis's character.  His jokes were pretty over the top gross at times.  But the main story, Owen Wilson and Jenna Fischer's character's story was sweet and fun.  I'd give it 2 stars.  

Friday, March 18, 2011

Just Go with It

I liked this movie, though I don't think everyone will.  I thought it was fun.  Adam Sandler's character's sidekick was a little too much.  Most of his comments were gross, and if you take him out of it, the rest is fun.  Nicole Kidman's role seemed different for her, but I liked it.  Jennifer and Adam's relationship seemed very natural.  And I love the Grand Wailea, the resort they go to in the movie.  I've heard some folks not like the movie because of how Adam's character treats them, but it didn't bother me because the kids seemed to take it in stride.  I say "Go".  2 and 1/2 stars.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Eagle

  This is not a "must see".  It was a little boring, and I really had a hard time with the dialog.  It was too modern, with a lot of contractions.  For some reason, this really bugged me.  If it had been a little more authentic, it wouldn't have been too bad.  I like Channing Tatum, but he didn't seem like a natural leader; the casting wasn't right here.   I think giving it a 1 1/2 stars is generous.